Winter 2023
We’re very passionate about looking after our wildlife, especially in the winter. Check out the top tips from our park ranger so you can make a difference to the wildlife in your garden.
Feed the birds
Leaving out bird feed is a great place to start. It’s wise to avoid feeding them things like leftover bread and instead leave them leftover fats or rinds. Even better, you could make your own bird cake using a mixture of lard (or vegetable suet) with a handful of bird seed squashed together into a ball. They’ll love this tasty treat!
Help the hedgehogs
You can help hedgehogs by cutting a hole into the bottom of your fence ready for the spring. This will help hedgehogs move around more freely to find food and a mate. You can even get creative and make a little sign or border for the hole to make it look more attractive in your garden.
Prune back bushes and trees
One of the best times to prune your bushes and trees is in winter before flowering season. Deciduous plants shed leaves through the winter and naturally send food to their roots, meaning if you prune them at this time, they’ll have more resources stored to continue to grow healthily.
Remove old bird nests
In preparation for breeding season, we would recommend removing old bird nests from your bird boxes to make space for new ones. If you don’t yet have a bird box in your garden, there’s no time like the present! There are plenty to choose from or you could also have a go at making your own! Our museum gift shop often sells bird houses and feeders.
Cut back wildflower meadows
If you have wildflower meadows, we recommend that you cut them back around this time of year, and seed over them in time for a wonderful bloom in the spring.
Create a hibernaculum
You can welcome wildlife into your garden by creating a hibernaculum. You may attract creatures such as frogs and toads. It doesn’t have to be anything too extravagant – a simple log pile will do!
We hope you enjoy looking after wildlife this winter as much as we do!