Meet Donald
We’re grateful for our amazing team of hard-working volunteers that give up their precious time to support us and make a difference to the life of the museum and grounds. Donald has volunteered in our Victorian Street and museum galleries but can usually be seen outdoors in the Walled Garden or helping us in the park. He’s one of our most versatile volunteers and can turn his hand at anything. We caught up with him while he was maintaining the path in Cherry Wood to find out more.
What was your last occupation?
My last occupation was an industrial Research Chemist.
How long have you worked as a volunteer?
I’ve volunteered here since the summer of 2019.
Why did you decide to volunteer?
I wasn’t keen on retiring so volunteering has given me a purpose and something extra in life.
What is your link with Preston Park?
I’ve lived in Stockton since 1977. I’ve always visited the park to walk and used to bring my daughter here.
What impact has volunteering had on your life?
Volunteers are really valued here and they’re well looked after. I’ve meet new people from all walks of life and occupations and we share our stories and socialise.
What’s your favourite thing about Preston Park?
The Walled Garden is my favourite place. You can watch the seasons change and see what you’ve sown. It’s a nice setting to watch the world go by.
What three words would you use to describe Preston Park?
Accessible, welcoming, diverse.
Find out more about volunteering at Preston Park Museum & Grounds