We have been in various stages of lockdown for several weeks now and we are all experiencing different things. Last month the museum launched a contemporary collecting project called Covid-19 and Us: Stockton’s Story; through which we hope to collect some of your experiences and document this time for the future. We would like to collect your stories, objects, photographs, crafts, videos – anything that says something about this time and what being in lockdown has meant to you.
We asked five of our colleagues the same question and here are their responses…
“I have chosen my garden trowel as the object that best reflects my time so far in lockdown. The supermarket food shortages (due to stockpiling) at the start of lockdown inspired me and my husband to dig up our lawn and grow our own vegetables. I feel that keeping myself busy in my garden is a positive way of dealing with the anxiety that lockdown can cause. Also, as a Visitor Service Assistant with no visitors, I have been working some of my museum hours digging up weeds in the Walled Garden.”
“Before lockdown I planned on getting a new computer, we then learned that our big house move was going ahead as planned. I knew that I would need to save money, yet I also needed a computer to work from home. Although it is old, it has allowed me to complete several learning courses, and I have even been inspired to start writing fiction again. I won’t be getting rid of it now!”
“I have chosen Lego. I feel like all I have seen every day of lockdown is Lego all over my dining room floor! Literally, a carpet of colourful blocks each day. This is down to my son becoming obsessed with playing with it!”
“I found that during lockdown it was the little acts of kindness that meant the most. The picture is of a card I received from my sister from when we couldn’t see each other, and it makes me smile whenever I look at it.”
“My trainers have helped me function during lockdown. Although running is great for fitness, I am a strong advocate for the strength it has to help with individual’s wellbeing and mental health. Running for me is a very important part of my life and I have helped to support and motivate other ladies through running groups for over 5 years. This picture shows my trainers and a t-shirt that I designed and had printed for some of them to wear during lockdown.”
The Covid-19 and Us project aims not just to collect the more obvious things we associate with Covid-19, but also to document the real impact it is having on our daily lives. If you’re feeling inspired and would like to share your story or donate photographs, objects, videos – or maybe even a diary of your time in lockdown.
For more inspiration, you can also read about Stockton Borough Council’s Dear Diary project