Every Thursday (during term time)
Have you ever wanted to know more about Georges de La Tour painting The Dice Players? Then let us give you a de La Tour! Join our 10 minute talk and we’ll tell you the story behind this popular painting, which is on display in The Collecting Gallery at the museum.
When does the talk take place?
The Dice Players talk will take place 11.00-11.10am every Thursday during term time. It will be led by a member of our friendly Visitor Services team.
Do I need to book a place?
No booking is required, you can just turn up on the day. If you would like a tour for a large group, please get in touch with us before visiting and we will do our best to accommodate. Please call the museum on 01642 527375 or send us a message.
How much is it?
There is no additional fee, you just need a valid museum ticket. You can see our admission prices here.
How long will it last?
The talk will last for 10 minutes.
Anything else?
It will take place in The Collecting Gallery on the ground floor of the museum. There is a small seating area and standing room for approximately 15 people.