Autumn 2023
Autumn has arrived at Preston Park Museum & Grounds. It’s one of our favourite seasons!
This enchanting season is all about change and slowing down. Soon, the grass will be covered in morning dew, spider webs will glisten in the early morning sun and it will be time to pull on your favourite woollen jumper. It’s also an opportunity to get outdoors and explore the autumn landscape as the leaves turn from green to beautiful hues of orange and red.
Hawthorn and rowan trees have fabulous clusters of berries at this time of year. Their cut branches make a beautiful autumn display when brought indoors and arranged in a tall vase. Please only take what you need from the park, as the berries are a vital food supply for wild birds over winter. Scandinavian birds such as fieldfare and redwings can’t resist battling the North Sea for our berries and milder climate.
Why not welcome birds into your garden with a bird feeding area? Many smaller birds like blue tits, goldfinches and robins struggle to find their natural food during the harsher winter months so they will appreciate seed being put out for them and enjoy a tasty treat.
As the cold nights draw in, the starling’s flock together in their thousands, swirling and dancing across the sky before settling into their winter nesting grounds. The starlings will start their performance around dusk, typically over reed beds. Why not take a hot flask to your nearest nature reserve and watch the sky come to life? It’s a fantastic sight.
Before Bonfire Night, check any large piles of logs and debris for hibernating hedgehogs. These snuffling mammals spend summer and early autumn building reserves for their long sleep over winter. If you’re lucky enough to have a resident hedgehog in your garden, you can leave a small tray of cat food out for them. And if you see a hog looking small or out during the depths of winter, please get in touch with your local hedgehog rescue or the rangers at Preston Park, who will be happy to help
We’re lucky to have an orchard full of heritage varieties of apples, plums and quinces; most of which are ready in autumn. This year we have donated our produce to local food banks.
Whether you’re a pumpkin eater or a pumpkin carver, this time of year can be fun for all ages. You won’t want to miss our pumpkin-themed activities this October half term. Find out more
Explore the museum and grounds of Preston Park here.